Eric is results-driven and is fighting hard for the values and priorities of our great community.
State Rep. Lucero changes FB page name to "Eric Lucero for MN Senate"
MCCL State PAC endorses Eric Lucero in run for State Senate
Rep. Lucero Proposes Bill to Stop ESG (Environmental Social Governance)
Rep. Lucero thanks Sen. Kiffmeyer for her many years of service
Release: Lucero Launches Four New Radio Ads
Release: Rep. Lucero Excited about I-94 Improvements
Release: Rep. Lucero’s Student Data Privacy Bill Advances
Release: Rep. Lucero Visits Kaleidoscope Charter School
Release: Rep. Lucero Honors School Bus Drivers
Release: Rep. Lucero Fights for Student Data Privacy
Rep. Lucero Fights for Lower Energy Costs
Rep. Lucero Blocks Driver's Licenses for Illegal Immigrants
Rep. Lucero Demands Action on Education Funding Inequities
NWD Today: MnDOT Unveils Myriad of Interstate 94 Construction Projects, Including STMA
Minnesota Lawyer: Minnesota gun-control bills bring out passionate crowd